versi indonesia
Facebook kembali membuat terobosan terbaru dengan membuat mesin pencari baru.Mesin pencari ini, akan membantu orang lebih menavigasi semua jejaring sosial yang ada.
Facebook telah menempatkan dua lusin teknisi untuk bekerja pada sebuah proyek ambisius yang dipimpin oleh mantan insinyur Google, Lars Rasmussen. Menurut sumber yang tidak diungkapkan, tujuan dari Facebook dengan proyek ini adalah untuk membantu menyaring jumlah konten di situsnya, seperti update status, artikel, video dan informasi lainnya di web bahwa 'seperti'.
Facebook sejauh ini tidak berbuat banyak untuk meningkatkan atau menghasilkan uang dari mesin pencari, yang saat ini memungkinkan orang untuk menemukan pengguna lain, merek, update status dan hasil web lagi melalui kolaborasi dengan Bing, mesin pencari Microsoft.
Namun, Facebook belum terlalu fokus perhatian pada kotak mesin pencari kecil yang terletak di bagian atas halaman pengguna. Jadi jika benar-benar membuat sendiri mesin pencari sosial, Facebook akan pergi 'berburu' di Google. Seperti diketahuilangkah raksasa internet ke dalam arah yang berlawanan dengan peluncuran jaringan sosial, Google.
Menurut editor Pantai Barat dari situs teknologi The Next Web, Drew Olanoff, Facebookdapat membuat pengalaman pencarian yang sangat berbeda dari Google dengan menggunakan sejumlah besar data pribadi.
"Dengan daftar, 'seperti' dan pengumpulan data, Facebook dapat memungkinkan kita untuk melakukan pencarian langsung dengan sekelompok orang yang terbatas," katanya, seperti dikutip Telegraph, Sabtu (2012/03/31).
Tapi meski sudah dikabarkan membuat mesin pencari, juru bicara Facebook menolak berkomentar.
versi english
Facebook re-create the newest breakthrough by creating a new search engine. This search engine, will help people better navigate allthe existing social networking.
Facebook has put two dozen of technicians to work on an ambitious project led by former Google engineer, Lars Rasmussen.According to undisclosed sources, the purpose of Facebook with this project is to help filter out the amount of content on its site,such as status updates, articles, video and other information around the web that the 'like'.
Facebook has so far not done much to improve or make money from its search engine, which currently allows people to find other users, brand, status updates and some more web results through collaboration with Bing, Microsoft's search engine.
However, Facebook has not been too focused attention on the small search engine box located at the top of the page the user. So if it really makes its own social search engine, Facebook will go 'hunting' on the Google. As is known internet giant's move into the opposite direction with the launch of social networking, Google.
According to the West Coast editor of technology website The Next Web, Drew Olanoff, Facebook can make a very differentsearch experience from Google by using large amounts of personal data.
"With the list, 'like' and the collection of data, Facebook could allow us to perform a direct search with a limited group of people,"he said, as quoted by the Telegraph, Saturday (03/31/2012).
But though it was rumored to make a search engine, a Facebook spokesman declined to comment.
Facebook has put two dozen of technicians to work on an ambitious project led by former Google engineer, Lars Rasmussen.According to undisclosed sources, the purpose of Facebook with this project is to help filter out the amount of content on its site,such as status updates, articles, video and other information around the web that the 'like'.
Facebook has so far not done much to improve or make money from its search engine, which currently allows people to find other users, brand, status updates and some more web results through collaboration with Bing, Microsoft's search engine.
However, Facebook has not been too focused attention on the small search engine box located at the top of the page the user. So if it really makes its own social search engine, Facebook will go 'hunting' on the Google. As is known internet giant's move into the opposite direction with the launch of social networking, Google.
According to the West Coast editor of technology website The Next Web, Drew Olanoff, Facebook can make a very differentsearch experience from Google by using large amounts of personal data.
"With the list, 'like' and the collection of data, Facebook could allow us to perform a direct search with a limited group of people,"he said, as quoted by the Telegraph, Saturday (03/31/2012).
But though it was rumored to make a search engine, a Facebook spokesman declined to comment.
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